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Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Planning

Business continuity management and contingency planning are of course essential and unavoidable tasks. Business-continuity planning has grown more sophisticated in the past few years, going beyond the technical recovery of IT systems and getting networks back online. Whether it’s a carryover from Y2K, or the demands of Sarbanes-Oxley, People responsible for the I.T. Systems find themselves in the position of not only making sure technical disaster-recovery plans are in place and working, but also coordinating larger continuity efforts with all business functions.








Q: “Disaster recovery” seems pretty self-explanatory. Is there any difference between that and “business continuity planning”?

A: Disaster recovery is the process by which you resume business after a disruptive event. The event might be something like a fire or a flood or something small, like malfunctioning software caused by a computer virus. Given the human tendency to look on the bright side, many executives are prone to ignoring “disaster recovery” because disaster seems an unlikely event. “Business continuity planning” suggests a more comprehensive approach to making sure you can keep making money, not only after a natural calamity but also in the event of smaller disruptions including illness or departure of key staffers, supply chain partner problems or other challenges that businesses face from time to time. Despite these distinctions, the two terms are often married under the acronym BC/DR because of their many common considerations.

Avova have many years’ experience implementing Disaster Recovery plans from the sole trader to the larger organisation. If you are concerned about your companies DR plan or would like us to perform an internal audit, why not give us a call to discuss further.