0818 811 811 / 090 64 17000 info@avova.ie

Dear Customers,

With the latest COVID-19 restrictions in place, we would like to reassure our customers that we are open for business with some restrictions in place to ensure the safety of our customers and staff.

Our offices are closed to the public with the exceptions of emergencies by appointment only.

Remote support and maintenance will continue as normal however site visits and call outs will be restricted and assessed on a per case basis.

Our support staff will continue to be contactable via the normal phone and email channels which will remain the case throughout, both for after sales support and indeed for any request you may have. We are available, we are here, and we are prepared.

We continue to follow the advice of the HSE as it comes out. If you have any general queries regarding COVID-19 please visit https://www.hse.ie for the latest information

Wishing you all good health,

Avova Support Team